
Collection Identification and Incorporation of Multimodality Play To Promote Early Communication Skills

Date Created: 11/5/2019

Posts: 3

This collection centers on the importance of incorporating multimodality play in interventions for individuals with complex communication needs as a way to support early communication skills. It includes posts discussing the importance of play skills, defining critical play skills and introducing practical play schemes to use in treatment.

collection curator

Heather Reffitt

Heather Reffitt is a Clinical Coordinator at Speech Language Pathologist at Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center. Her area of interest and expertise is working with families and children impacted by autism, apraxia, augmentative communication and early intervention needs. Heather serves a caseload that is heavy with patients who require co-treatments and works closely with members of the Division of Occupational Therapy. Heather has been with the Division of Speech Pathology for 16 years.

Quote This post introduces the collection and encourages readers to identify a child on their caseload who has limited play skills and severe communication challenges that can be kept in mind while reading the following posts.

Play and Severe Communication Disorders

Heather Reffitt. - 11/5/2019

As clinicians/therapists/students/parents working with individuals with severe communication deficits, we strive to identify functional goals for communication. Requesting help, knowing personal info...

Quote This post focuses on discussing and defining critical play skills, giving particular attention to core primary play/language skills. The skill levels discussed will fall within the Preintentional Behavior, Intentional Behavior, Unconventional Communication and Conventional Communication levels of the Communication Matrix.

Joint Attention, Imitation, Play and Communication Skills, "Oh My"!

Heather Reffitt. - 11/6/2019

Working in a large, outpatient, pediatric hospital as a speech language pathologist specializing in severe behavior, severe autism and developmental disabilities, I will be honest in that there have ...

Quote This post discusses practical play schemes and identifies several potential play materials that can be used with individuals exhibiting severe communication disabilities.

Incorporating The Senses Into Communication and Play Development

Heather Reffitt. - 11/6/2019

Now that the relationship and development of play and language skills has been discussed the focus will be on identification of practical sensory based materials/activities that can be incorporated wi...


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