New Translations

We receive many questions about translating the Communication Matrix into new languages.

online version

is an extremely time consuming and expensive effort, requiring the development of a new web site that is integrated into the associated database. Even after a new translation has been completed, funds are required to cover (a) the cost of ongoing technical support in the new language and (b) maintenance services.

You may download all the Matrix questions and response options as a PDF in any language that we support online by clicking "Download Questions as PDF" from your dashboard.

Help Us
This Project
Your donations go, in part, to helping us translate the Matrix Assessment and Community into more languages and help individuals with severe communication issues worldwide.
All donations are tax deductible.


Dr. Carolina Haţegan & Dr. Dorina Talaş, Lector Univ.



Matrice de Communication
Prof. Dr. Germaine Geremaud & Lic. Phil. Suzanne Paccolat.

Portuguese (Brazilian)

Portuguese (Brazilian)

Matriz De Comunicação Miriam Xavier Oliveira. São Paulo: Grupo Brasil



Комуникационна матрица, Специално за родители Emanuela Stoilova, Assistant Professor in Sofia University 'St. Kliment Ohridsky', Dept. of Special Education & Speech Therapy



תקשורת מטריקס Yifat Neeman, SLP, Keren Or School for Visually Impaired Children with Additional Disabilities, Jerusalem, Israel



Kommunikációs Mátrix - Lívia Ivaskó, PhD & Zsófia Kisföldi, PhD-student - Developmental and Neuropragmatic Research Group - University of Szeged, Hungary



Die Kommunikationsmatrix - Juniorprofessor Dr. Phil. Markus Scholz & Dr. Melanie Jester (Ph.D.) - Institut für Sonderpädagogik - Universität Koblenz-Landau


Persian (Farsi)

Hooshang Dadgar(Ph.D student of SLP, Academic Member) - Tehran University of Medical Sciences - School of Rehabilitation - Director of Neurofeedback Lab



Emil Holmer - Swedish Institute for Disability Research - Department of Behavioural Science and Learning - Linköping University

Helena Wandin - Uppsala University and Swedish National Center for Rett Syndrome & Related Disorders



Speech Therapist Chiara Zeni

Speech Therapist Sara Isoli

Speech Therapist Mariavittoria Gaiotto

Translator Alice Zeni


Chinese Traditional (溝通矩陣(中文繁體版)

Yang Chikang Assistant Professor, National Taiwan Donghua University

Xu Ning (Ph.D., Purdue University, USA)

Huang Yuyou (Special Education Teacher, Hualien County, Taiwan)

Li Jingyi (Assistant Research Assistant, National Taiwan Donghua University)


Chinese Simplified (沟通矩阵(中文简体版)

Yang Chikang Assistant Professor, National Taiwan Donghua University

Xu Ning (Ph.D., Purdue University, USA)

Huang Yuyou (Special Education Teacher, Hualien County, Taiwan)

Li Jingyi (Assistant Research Assistant, National Taiwan Donghua University)

Sri Lanka


Chiranthi Kumarage (Speech & Language Therapy - Undergraduate Student) & Dr. Nimisha Muttiah, Ph.D., CCC-SLP

University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka

United Arab Emirates

Arabic ( مصفوفة التواصل - الخاصة بالوالدين)

Sharjah City for Humanitarian Services, Sharjah, U.A.E

مدينة الشارقة للخدمات الإنسانية ، الشارقة، الإمارات العربية المتحدة



Thai translation completed by The Rajanagarindra Institute of Child Development under The Department of Mental Health, Ministry of Public Health Thailand



Hasan Gürgür, Ph.D. | Professor

Department of Special Education | College of Education

Anadolu University, Eskisehir, Tepebasi - TURKEY



Armenuhi Avagyan PhD

Associate professor

Director of Education and Research Foundation

Founder of ARMAV Continuous Education



Sanela Slavković

Associate professor

Department of special education and rehabilitation, Medical faculty

Staša Ivezić

Speech therapist & teaching assistant

Department of special education and rehabilitation, Medical faculty

University of Novi Sad

Currently we have no funding to pay for new translations. However, we would like to encourage translations into new languages on a volunteer basis. Individuals who wish to help make the Communication Matrix available in a new language may donate their services to the Friends of the Communication Matrix Foundation by translating either the print version or the web site. Please contact us if you would like to discuss this possibility.

The Communication Matrix is a service of Design to Learn at Oregon Health & Science University
© 2024 Charity Rowland, Ph.D.

Site by State33 and Smith & Connors