Core Vocabulary with Tangible Symbols
1/16/2018 5:41 AM
Through the Center for Literacy and Disability Studies at the University of North Carolina's Project Core - comes 6 different examples of Universal Core Boards including instructions for Making 13 - 3D Symbols from a 3D Printer.
Symbol directions for 3D printers include Go, Like, Not, Do, Finish, Help, It, Make, More, On, Open, Turn, Open, Turn, Up
Through a cooperative project, the Communication Matrix Team has been working along with NSSEO (Northwest Suburban Special Education Organization), 12 Local School Districts and the team of developers from the Adaptivation Inc. to develop 5 of these 3D Symbols for use with their students who are communicating with their schools. Some of their students have varying visual skills and teams want the flexibility of the pairing of the 3D symbols along with the 2D symbol that Adaptivation offers in their traditional object symbol choices.
Not all schools have access to a 3D printer and not all the core vocabulary words were offered through the original set of commercially available 3D symbols. So together, the symbols for Go, Like, Not, More, and Help have been created to be trialed with our teams this spring. We are very excited!
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