
Modifications for AAC

Author-Avatar Deirdre Galvin-McLaughlin

5/14/2018 9:23 PM

Post by Deirdre McLaughlin CF-SLP and Kayley McDonald OTD candidate

As we discussed in our previous Communication Collection (CVI 101 and also 102… https://communicationmatrix.or... ), more patients with complex communication needs have been identified as having vision difficulties such as Cortical Visual Impairment (CVI). It can be difficult at times to know how to best support these visual needs in an AAC system given that so many systems incorporate the use of symbols whether that be a picture, photograph, visual scene display or written word. To make a language system as expansive as possible a number of symbols are often required to accommodate all possible communication needs and purposes, which can make displays often too complex for a child with vision difficulties.

There are several important supports and cues that may help support a client with CVI and that can be incorporated into an AAC system: 

Highlighting with color preferences: Children with CVI see yellow and red better than other colors, these colors can often be an important cue (highlight outline of picture) for visual attention. 

Using high contrast pictures/backgrounds/layouts: Increasing contrast of the background and pictures themselves supports vision - example of high contrast would be using a black background with bright colored object. 

Reducing visual complexity: The complexity of a visual scene is often very difficult for individuals with CVI. Decreasing the complexity of the scene rather than magnification is often found to be an important support for visual attention. Ways to consider modifying the environment might be using the dark booth to get rid of visual distractions in the room and simplify AAC by using less picture symbols on the screen at one time. 

Light cues for visual attention: Children with CVI attend better to light sources, which might include spotlighting picture symbols or backlighting on an iPad.

Movement cues for visual attention: Children with CVI see things better that are in motion. 

This week a post will be created that outlines the ways SLPs and OTs have addressed visual access with clients with CVI using the supportive characteristic listed above. Please refer to those posts for further explanation and examples. 

CVI has many different stages and levels (see post by Kayley McDonald OTD candidate, from previous collection: https://communicationmatrix.or... ) and children with CVI have very different visual skills and need very different visual supports. As always, it is important to trial these supports with your clients to determine if this is a good support for them and collaborate with the child’s Teacher for the Visually Impaired (TVI).

A link is attached with a great youtube video on CVI adaptations specific for AAC by Perkins School for the Blind is also included as a resource:

Visual Behavior,Speech-Language Pathologist,Parent/Family Member,Occupational Therapist,Physical Therapist,Other,Intervention Strategies,Visual impairment

This post is part of the collection

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© 2025 Charity Rowland, Ph.D.

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