9/29/2018 6:15 PM
In my practice, I once worked with a pediatric Arab client with complex communication needs who was utilizing a “first, then” visual schedule on a horizontal board that included light tech symbols of our activities. Using the Arabic language, I asked her to point to the first activity we were doing. She pointed to the symbol on the right first. It is important to know that Arabic script is written from right to left. This may be confusing when asking a child to point to the “first” activity (or symbol) on a page. When utilizing visual schedules, it may be helpful to present the layout in a vertical format. This is also important to be aware of when you are working with Arab clients on sequencing using picture symbols or following directions during play activities using visual prompts.
When implementing light tech AAC, I have found it beneficial to both, my clients and their families to include Arabic and English texts on communication symbols. This is important because some Arab families we work with may be literate in Arabic, but may not speak, read, or write in English. For families who are literate in Arabic, including the written word in both Arabic and English languages will not only increase your client’s exposure to literacy in both languages, but will also increase the chances for carryover in the home. This is particularly important for more abstract icons for which icon meaning is not easily interpreted. Including both texts will reduce ambiguity and enable the client to utilize their light-tech system across all environments. When creating light-tech tools (e.g., communication books, activity specific pages, visual schedules, and Picture Exchange Communication Systems), it is encouraged that you collaborate with the family to identify their literacy skill level; if the family is able to write and read Arabic, the family may be able to write the Arabic text on the icon. If you are creating light-tech tools and the family is not present, it is ideal to work with an Arabic interpreter. If an Arabic interpreter is not present, I found have google translate to be helpful for translating the selected vocabulary in Arabic. The translation should be verified with an Arabic interpreter or with the caregivers prior to implementation.
Below are examples of light-tech AAC symbols and activity specific pages I found on www.boardmakeronline.com. Unfortunately, Arabic text is not currently supported on Boardmaker and you cannot insert the Arabic text directly while working on the program. Thus, family or caregivers will have to manually write the text on the printed symbols. After downloading shared activity pages on the Boardmaker website, I reduce the size of the images and create space for the printed word to be written on the bottom of each symbol.
Tobii Dynavox has provided a light tech communication board in English and Arabic, which may be helpful when working with Arab clients and families. This light tech tool can be found here: http://tdvox.web-downloads.s3.amazonaws.com/Boardmaker/refugeeboards/TobiiDynavox-communicationboard-arabic-english.pdf
If you know of any light-tech AAC tools which include English and Arabic text, please feel free to share.
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© 2025 Charity Rowland, Ph.D.
Site by State33 and Smith & Connors
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Many teachers require their college students in communication disorders or child development classes to complete a Communication Matrix online. Please have your students use the Test Drive site for this purpose. You may ask them to print out the Profile and Communication Skills List as proof of their work.
The only way I know that he wants something is because he fusses or whines when he's unhappy or uncomfortable, and he smiles, makes noises or calms down when he's happy and comfortable. Does this statement describe your child?
She doesn't come to me to let me know what she wants, but it's easy for me to figure out, because she tries to do things for herself. She knows what she wants, and her behavior shows me what she wants. If she runs out of something to eat, she will just try to get more, rather than trying to get me to give her more.
Does this statement describe your child?
He knows how to get me to do something for him. He uses some of the kinds of behaviors below to communicate:
Does this statement describe your child?
Each question you will see is related to a certain message that your child might be able to express using a variety of behaviors. Read the question and decide whether your child is able to express the message described using any of the listed behaviors. If the answer is YES, then you must also decide whether your child has mastered the use of each behavior or whether it is still at an emerging stage. Check either the mastered or emerging box next to any behaviors your child uses to express the message. Use the following definitions to decide whether a behavior is mastered or emerging
– Does this independently most of the time when the opportunity arises
– Does this in a number of dierent contexts, and with dierent people
– Does this inconsistently
Only does this when prompted or encouraged to do so. Only does this in one or two contexts or with one person.
Each question you will see is related to a certain message that your child might be able to express using a variety of behaviors. Read the question and decide whether your child is able to express the message described using any of the listed behaviors. If the answer is YES, then you must also decide whether your child has mastered the use of each behavior or whether it is still at an emerging stage. Check either the mastered or emerging box next to any behaviors your child uses to express the message. Use the following definitions to decide whether a behavior is mastered or emerging