
Incorporating the Matrix Profile into your report


8/13/2019 7:06 PM

One question that comes up related to using the Online Communication Matrix Assessment is how to document the assessment results. Specifically, how to add an image of the Communication Matrix profile into a word document or electronic medical record (EMR) report. The easiest way to do this is to take a screenshot and crop it to include just the matrix. On a PC running Windows, a handy way to do this is to use the snipping tool. If you are unfamiliar with this tool, type "snipping tool" into the windows search bar. Once the program is open, it will pull up a Snipping Tool bar that includes a button that says "New" with a pair of scissors next to it. If you click on this icon, it will give you a small black plus sign (+) that will allow you to click and drag the section of the screen you would like to copy. Note: you will want to have the student's matrix up on the screen before you click the "New" button in the snipping tool. When you have selected the Matrix and released your mouse click it will automatically copy the selection into your clipboard. Then open, the Word document or note section of your EMR and use the "paste" command (by right clicking, or using the Cntrl+V shortcut). 

I have attached an example of a Matrix screenshot I created using this tool below. 

Let me know if this works for you, or if you have any other tips for getting an image of the matrix into your report!

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Thank you so much! I was able to paste my matrix into report after spending an hour trying to figure out how to do it! - 11/8/2019

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This is very useful! Thanks for posting! You can also choose a print option to download a PDF of the Matrix profile. You can add the PDF directly to your word document by clicking a dragging the file into the Word document. If you have Adobe Acrobat you can save the PDF as an image, which should make it easier to work with in Word. I hope this helps! Please email us at if you have further questions.

Communication Matrix Team - 8/13/2019

The Communication Matrix is a service of Design to Learn at Oregon Health & Science University
© 2025 Charity Rowland, Ph.D.

Site by State33 and Smith & Connors