
AT Consultation Model Stage 4 & 5: Implementation & Analysis

Author-Avatar Chris Gibbons

10/14/2019 8:47 PM

Our five stage AT consultation model at PROVAIL includes:

1. Method
2. Intake
3. Planning
4. Implementation
5. Analysis

“You can break that big plan into small steps and take the first step right away” – Indira Gandhi

The final stages of our model, Implementation and Analysis, are inextricably woven together and always backfeed into Planning revisions as the consultation service period progresses. By using what we’ve learned from targeted consultations during implementation and periodic review of performance data for students and staff we can facilitate a virtuous feedback loop from Plan à Implementation à Analysis à Plan verification à Implementation à Analysis and so forth.

Leaning on the basic principles of Response to Intervention we do our best to ensure that the AT plan is implemented as specified. We break down implementation goals into specific activities that are easy to replicate following our modeling. Discrete and targeted therapeutic activities also lend themselves to concise data gathering so we can see areas of growth and challenge over time. Performance analysis then informs any evolution in AT team thinking about the goals themselves, assumed timelines, staff/environment training, etc. to keep us constantly tuned into the student and where we ultimately want them to go with performance.

Implementation is driven by:

-Targeted student interaction and modeling
-Side-by-side team instruction
-Targeted team and/or district level in-servicing
-Home visits to encourage carryover
-Data collection and analysis

Concurrent Analysis involves:

-Periodic assessment of team goal achievement as specified in AT plan
-Periodic assessment of consultant goals
-Goal/Activity specific data collection of student performance
-Data analysis to determine success/challenges
-Report results to AT team and suggest any AT plan adjustments
-Identify future consultation needs if applicable

As with all other stages in our consultation model we use a variety of training guides, implementation in-service supports, and data collection sheets. Please see the attached examples to give you an idea of some of what we use for training and data collection.

In closing out this post series I want to stress again that nothing written above is complicated. My hope is that as you’ve read through the brief descriptions provided you have many times nodded your head while thinking, “well that’s common sense”. If so that makes me happy! We developed the model described here because we acknowledged that what so many of our consultation clients really needed was organization. A way to pull all the pieces together in a stepwise manner. If the team is walking together and understands why they are headed the same direction a lot can get done.

Since it is often our role to superimpose organization in a disorganized and frequently stretched environment, we have found that operating with this model brings clarity to the process from start to finish. And as a package we can take this model and apply it repeatedly in a variety of situations. which makes us better at our job since we walk through the door to every new consultation with a plan for service already in our pocket.

Okay, I hope there has been something of value in my descriptions above. Please feel free to comment and share your own AT consultation ideas when you have a minute. Thanks for reading!

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