12/23/2019 8:47 PM
Hopefully you have had a chance to explore the TAT4AAC at tat4aac.ohsu.edu. Today, I’d like to describe the 6 steps that went into building the website and adding the content. The project was led by Aimee Mooney, a speech-language pathologist, researcher and assistant professor at OHSU. She was joined by Michelle Kinsella OT, Deirdre McLaughlin SLP, and myself. Attached below I have included a photo of myself, Aimee and Michelle (from left to right); Deirdre wasn’t available at picture taking time. She was probably evaluating a youngster for AAC or working on Matrix data!
Step 1: We began the project by asking: What features of AAC technologies should we include in this new reference tool? We reviewed 8 different feature lists and ended up with four feature categories: Access, Display, Language and Output. We placed 54 AAC device/app features within these four categories. We validated this feature list nationally, asking AAC clinicians, users and developers to confirm our framework.
Step 2: We then examined the cognitive skills that are critical to AAC devices. We chose to focus on three cognitive skills: attention, memory, and executive function. We validated these selections through a consensus process with national cognition experts. In the pdf below you can see the grid that we formed to answer the question: What AAC features have cognitive demands, as reported by the research literature?
Step 3: With a framework in place to examine cognitive demands of each AAC feature, we delved into the current research literature. We conducted a literature review using the following guidelines: (1) use the key words attention, memory, executive function + designated AAC feature (i.e., memory + AAC direct selection); (2) only use literature from the past 10 years unless seminal article; (3) each article is read independently by 2 research associates who agree on inclusion in the TAT4AAC interactive library. (4) A summary is written for each article following strict rules so that the annotation is consistent throughout the website. Articles were tagged as either theoretical or empirical, for adult or child populations. A total of 68 articles were included in the final website.
Step 4: We contracted with a web designer to develop the final product which includes an interactive library and final report function. When we had finished the first version, we presented it to 72 stakeholders (AAC clinicians; educators; cognitive rehabilitation clinicians; AAC developers and technologists; people who rely on AAC and their parents or spouses; researchers). We redesigned portions of the final website based on their responses and recommendations.
Step 5: It was very important to us that potential TAT4AAC users understand the purpose of this tool and how it was developed. We spent a lot of time designing the home page, our mission statement and the development process. It was developed to (1) provide references about the cognitive demands of specific features of AAC technologies and (2) provide opportunities for clinicians to consider and compare the cognitive demands of AAC technologies.
We are clear that the TAT4AAC is:
-NOT an assessment tool.
-NOT a prerequisite list of cognitive skills needed before AAC technology is introduced.
-NOT a list to determine eligibility for potential device trial, purchase or training.
-NOT a list of cognitive skills needed before device trialing or purchase.
-NOT a base to eliminate AAC options for individuals who may rely on AAC technologies.
In the second image below, you can see an example of the cognitive demand report.
Step 6: The TAT4AAC website went live on Tuesday, November 12. We invite you to explore it and add it to your AAC toolbox. It can be found at: tat4aac.ohsu.edu
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© 2025 Charity Rowland, Ph.D.
Site by State33 and Smith & Connors
Your information will not be saved unless you register. You may register for free at anytime throughout the tryout by clicking the orange button bottom right.
The information you enter in the assessment is completely secure and cannot be identified. When you use this free service, we ask you to provide some very basic information about the individual you are assessing (gender, age, ethnic background, country of residence, disability and specific impairments) and your relationship to that person. However, we have no way of indentifying who has used this service.
Many teachers require their college students in communication disorders or child development classes to complete a Communication Matrix online. Please have your students use the Test Drive site for this purpose. You may ask them to print out the Profile and Communication Skills List as proof of their work.
The only way I know that he wants something is because he fusses or whines when he's unhappy or uncomfortable, and he smiles, makes noises or calms down when he's happy and comfortable. Does this statement describe your child?
She doesn't come to me to let me know what she wants, but it's easy for me to figure out, because she tries to do things for herself. She knows what she wants, and her behavior shows me what she wants. If she runs out of something to eat, she will just try to get more, rather than trying to get me to give her more.
Does this statement describe your child?
He knows how to get me to do something for him. He uses some of the kinds of behaviors below to communicate:
Does this statement describe your child?
Each question you will see is related to a certain message that your child might be able to express using a variety of behaviors. Read the question and decide whether your child is able to express the message described using any of the listed behaviors. If the answer is YES, then you must also decide whether your child has mastered the use of each behavior or whether it is still at an emerging stage. Check either the mastered or emerging box next to any behaviors your child uses to express the message. Use the following definitions to decide whether a behavior is mastered or emerging
– Does this independently most of the time when the opportunity arises
– Does this in a number of dierent contexts, and with dierent people
– Does this inconsistently
Only does this when prompted or encouraged to do so. Only does this in one or two contexts or with one person.
Each question you will see is related to a certain message that your child might be able to express using a variety of behaviors. Read the question and decide whether your child is able to express the message described using any of the listed behaviors. If the answer is YES, then you must also decide whether your child has mastered the use of each behavior or whether it is still at an emerging stage. Check either the mastered or emerging box next to any behaviors your child uses to express the message. Use the following definitions to decide whether a behavior is mastered or emerging