
So you’ve completed a Communication Matrix Assessment. Now what?

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2/25/2022 1:19 PM

As a parent, what can you do with your assessment results to support your loved one with complex communication needs? Here are some ideas:

  • Print Results: Results are summarized on a one-page Profile that shows what level of communicative behaviors the child uses and what kinds of messages, or communicative intents, are expressed. These profiles allow parents to provide a comprehensive portrait of a child's communication skills to share with others. 
  • Share Results via Email: Once you complete the assessment online, click on “Email Results” (button to the left of the assessment) to email it to the teacher, SLP, or to anyone else. Similarly, you can request that a professional email results to a parent in this way. 
  • Use Results to Plan Instruction: When you as a parent complete a Matrix assessment, you can be on the same page as the professionals who are helping your child. Results may help parents and educators decide upon general communication goals that are appropriate, given the individual’s current skills. See more ideas for supporting intervention in the next post.
  • Compare settings: Often an SLP or teacher will do their own version of the Communication Matrix, while a parent does a parent version. You can compare them to see if the child is displaying skills in one setting and not the other and discuss ways to improve their skills in both settings
  • Monitor Progress: We encourage you to complete the Communication Matrix 1-2 times a year to track and measure progress
  • Print in Other Languages: If a parent or other caregiver would like to see the results in another language, they can be printed by viewing the profile and choosing another language at the top of the page with the “Translate this site into:” menu. You may need to refresh the page to see the full translated profile.

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The Communication Matrix is a service of Design to Learn at Oregon Health & Science University
© 2024 Charity Rowland, Ph.D.

Site by State33 and Smith & Connors