
Shared reading plan for Rap A Tap Tap


5/14/2015 5:49 AM

Attached is a plan of action our classroom developed in implementing a shared reading experience in a middle school classroom of students with complex communication needs. I had the wonderful experience of meeting Amy Parker recently at Wing Lake and we talked about a couple of lessons that may be fun for students comparable to ours. The most exciting thing about this lesson was the amount of participation and enthusiasm our kids demonstrated. They certainly were more than anxious to participate. In fact, they were "rap a tap tapping" in their own seats! So please share and enjoy; that is my sole hope for contributing this: Passing the passion to others!

2-dimensional symbols,3-dimensional symbols,Body movements,Braille,Facial expressions,SGD/Communication device,Visual Behavior,Information,Social,Answers yes/no questions,Asks questions,Attracts attention,Continues an action,Directs your attention,Expresses interest in other people,Makes choices,Makes comments,Obtains more of something,Polite social forms,Requests a new action,Requests attention,Requests more of an action,Requests more of an object,Shows affection,Level 1. Pre-Intentional Behavior,Level 2. Intentional Behavior,Level 3. Unconventional Communication,Level 4. Conventional Communication,Level 5. Concrete Symbols,Level 6. Abstract Symbols,Level 7. Language,Educator,Other,Speech-Language Pathologist,Wing Lake,Complex Communication Needs; Literacy,Charter

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