
The first and most powerful strategy is the use of core vocabulary

Author-Avatar Marlene

7/20/2016 6:09 AM

I used a set of 20 core vocabulary in my early childhood classroom for students with complex communication needs 30+ years ago. It served as a powerful symbol based language system for all the students prior to any AAC assessment or device purchase. We decided to explore this same approach with 28 schools districts as a starting place to support language intervention and instruction prior to assessment.

A core vocabulary is a small set of powerful words that are used frequently across multiple contexts and purposes. The high occurrence of these core words in daily communication greatly increases the number of opportunities for teaching and learning. In contrast more concrete vocabulary often referred to as fringe words typically represent a specific person, place or activity. Core vocabulary words make up more than ¾ of what adults and children actually say. They are 85% of the words we use daily and are drawn from a core of 350-400 most common words.

Our team goal to provide user-friendly AAC strategies and supports began with a 32 location static core board. Additionally, this display was provided on a 32 Go Talk Express and more recently on a wall sized core display for large group and classroom use. After 12 months of implementation we checked in with our teams. We discovered sometimes the stories we tell ourselves do not always represent reality. We then expanded our core vocabulary display to 48 and 66 locations.

Our Story & Our Reality Check:

"Just because I knew what core vocabulary was I thought I was "doing it"! NOT so much. I realized that implementation isn't a couple times a week during just a few activities". Know and doing are two different things.

"I wasn’t really immersing my students in core. It was more sporadic then I wanted to admit. If I don't have core available all the time, so I decided that to do this right I wanted to get that sick feeling in my stomach, like when I think I have lost my phone."


  • Dynamic Learning Maps Professional Development Modules: (Check out: DLM Core Vocabulary and Communication, Symbols and Beginning Communicators)
  1. Project Core:

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