It is exciting to see the progress that has been made in this area. Sometimes the innovations come from researchers and sometimes they come from teachers, parents, and clinicians. Sometimes they come from those with the deepest lived experience, those individuals with CCN, who use AAC. It is exciting that we are all on the same team in the goal of closing these gaps. Pat Mirenda has a great new article coming out about this, based on the talk I heard her give at TASH this year. I'm so happy to learn with the community and get to help row for this cause: AAC. I'm glad to be doing intervention research, where the theory and practice meet with science that is quantitative and qualitative.

One area to be hopeful about is that innovation surprises us. There are innovations coming down the pike in a selection of interdisciplinary fields that could shift things quicker than we can imagine. Also, innovation, with its laws and exponential curves make it near impossible to predict...

Dr. Samuel Sennott - 10/5/2016